Creative Howard Grant Program FY25

Ends on

Creative Howard Grant Program Guidelines
       Grant activities must take place within this grant period, ending June 30, 2025; projects are not funded retroactively, please plan ahead.
FY25 Application Calendar

September 1, 2024: Grant applications available online (Rolling deadline based on funds available; applications due 60 days prior to proposed project start date.)
November 1, 2024: Earliest project start date for projects. (Applications submitted by 11:59 PM EST on the first day of the month will be reviewed that month; applications received after that will be reviewed the following month.)
April 1, 2025: Last deadline for FYE June 30, 2024.
       Final Report Due within 15 business days of project completion.
Creative Howard Overview
       The purpose of the Creative Howard grant program is to strengthen the vitality of the Howard County arts community and recognize the role of small nonprofit arts organizations and arts businesses in Howard County’s creative eco-system.
       The goals for Creative Howard are:
       · To increase access to the process of requesting grants to arts organizations and support needs in the arts community that may fall outside of the eligibility requirements of HCAC’s Community Arts Development grant program.
       · To provide small non-profit 501c3- designated arts organizations with a foundation to apply for future Community Arts Development grants.
       Creative Howard supports eligible activities of small arts organizations (both 501c3 nonprofit arts organizations and for- and nonprofit arts businesses) with grants up to $2,500. There is no matching fund requirement for Creative Howard grants. Applicants may receive funding for only one application per fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
        The deadline for Creative Howard is rolling. The deadline to submit the application is the first day of each month at 11:59PM.  Applications will be reviewed monthly and Creative Howard grants will be awarded throughout the fiscal year until total funding allocated for the program is awarded.
       HCAC will begin accepting applications on September 1, 2024 for the FY25 application cycle. The grant period for FY25 ends June 30, 2025. Funded activities must occur within the grant period. HCAC does not fund projects in progress or completed before the grant application deadline.  Applications must be submitted at least 60 days before the proposed activities occur.
       The application process will be closed once funding allocated for the program is fully awarded and will only be reopened should new funding become available.
        Nonprofit arts organizations and arts businesses (see definitions below) located and operating in Howard County for at least one year prior to the application’s submission and throughout the funded project with an operating revenue of $100,000 or less (see application process below) are eligible to apply.
       Not eligible to apply are current FY25 HCAC grant recipients, Howard County governmental agencies, and organizations that receive direct funding from Howard County, such as, Howard County Public Schools, Howard County Recreation and Parks, Howard Community College.
       · Applicant must maintain their primary physical office and conduct at least 50% of all business operations, programs and activities in Howard County (i.e.: 50% of rehearsals, 50% of Board and committee meetings, 50% of performances, workshops, etc.). Corporate papers, such as the 990 and Personal Property Tax forms, letterhead, website, and program materials submitted must show primary office is located in the County.
       · Applicant must have one fully completed and documented fiscal year of operations as of the date of the application submission.
       · Applicant must produce or present arts programs, services or projects that are accessible to the public and relevant to its community (demonstrate need).


  • Applicant may receive funding for one Creative Howard grant per fiscal year; the program may consist of a one-time activity or a series of related activities.
  • A program is eligible for funding through Creative Howard if it supports an arts and/or cultural activity that is presented at a location in Howard County.
  • Program activities must be open to the public with or without an admission fee, virtual programming is eligible.
  • Program activities may include, but are not limited to, dance, design, folk and traditional arts, history exhibit  or historic reenactment, lectures or seminars, literature, media arts, music, theater, visual arts, and workshops. This list is not exhaustive and applicants are encouraged to think creatively about their programs.
  • Program budget must be based on cash income and expense only.
  • Program  expenses must be directly related to the artistic activities described in the application.

       Submission of an application constitutes an understanding and agreement of the conditions set forth in these guidelines.
       Please read the full guidelines, before starting the application. FY25 Creative Howard Guidelines.pdf Only successfully submitted, complete, on-line applications will be accepted and reviewed. Incomplete or hard copy applications will be disqualified.
       Arts Council staff is available to assist applicants with any questions about completing this application by mailing


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