Howard County Arts Council 

All digital applications must be submitted by midnight, EST on the date of the deadline unless otherwise noted. If you have any questions or technical difficulties please contact us at or (410)313-2787. 

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The Howard County Arts Council (Arts Council), in collaboration with Howard County, MD (County), is seeking responses from qualified, experienced public Arts consultants (Consultant) to plan, manage, and implement the commission of up to four (4) permanent artworks at up to four (4) County-owned facilities, parks, and community spaces.  

Qualified Consultants are firms or individuals that have successfully managed large-scale public Arts commissions for government or private agencies and have demonstrated experience in public Arts planning and community outreach. The total project budget is $1.5 million with approximately $1 million designated for the four (4) artworks, $400k to cover the costs for the public Arts consultant, extensive community engagement activities, artwork concept fees,  marketing and promotion, and a project manager consultant to oversee the fabrication and installation of the artworks, and $100k for HCAC temporary staff and contingency. 

Anticipated Consultant start date is September 2024.  

Anticipated installation date of one (1) or more public art installations is Fall 2026.   

The selected Consultant will enter into an agreement with the Arts Council to provide the scope of services outlined in this RFP. 

Project Description

In May 2024, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball announced a partnership with the Arts Council to create a new public Arts program to commission permanent public Arts installations from visual artists nationwide. Our aspiration for the new Arts For All program is to create a sense of place through iconic public artworks that will captivate and inspire residents and visitors for years to come.  An online survey has been created to begin gathering feedback on the themes, types, and locations for the Arts For All program. Learn more about the Arts For All launch and the survey at:

Website Link: 

Survey Link: 

Pictures from Announcement (including boards): 

Through the Arts For All program, up to four (4) artworks will be commissioned for County-owned sites, yet to be determined. Artworks could include: Murals, Iconic Sculptures, Interactive Installations, Environmental Arts, Functional Arts, and More. Sites could include: Community and Senior Centers, Libraries, Government Buildings, Facades, Bridges, Gateways, Parks, Trails, and Open Spaces.


About the Howard County Arts Council

Since 1981, the Arts Council has served as the cornerstone of the arts in Howard County.  Our mission is to enrich and uplift our communities by advancing the arts, artists, and arts organizations for the benefit of all. We accomplish our mission by providing a broad range of programs and services that ensures public access to diverse arts experiences.  We are a multi-faceted arts agency that advocates for the arts, awards nearly $1 million in grants annually to arts organizations and artists, and operates a multi-disciplinary Arts center where we provide year-round arts programming and affordable studio, rehearsal, and performance space.   Learn more about our programs and services at:


About Howard County, MD

Centrally located between Baltimore, MD, and Washington, D.C., Howard County is often ranked among the most affluent, educated, and best places to live in the United States.  Its location is within commuting distance to jobs in these major cities, along with access to nationally recognized arts and educational institutions. Most of the county’s development over the last 50 years centered around the planned community of Columbia, MD, which was conceived by developer Jim Rouse as an integrated, diverse, and accessible community. Currently, Howard County is home to a diverse population of 335,000 (48% White, 21% Black, 21% Asian, 8% Hispanic, and 2% Other) and 118,000 households with a median income of $140,000.  Ninety-five (95%) of the population has a high school degree and 64% has a bachelor’s degree or higher. The poverty rate in the county is 5.7%.  Learn more about Howard County, MD at:

Scope of Work

The scope of work has been divided into two phases:   

Phase I - Community Engagement and Artist Selection
     Phase II – Final Artwork Design, Fabrication and Installation
     Consultants may submit proposals for one or both phases, see Submission Details section below for required information.  Note: consultants interested in both phases must submit two (2) separate budgets and summary workplans. 

Phase I – Community Engagement, Artist Selection, Steering Committee 

The Consultant’s anticipated scope of work, at a minimum, is to: 

  • Develop and deploy a multiphase community engagement plan which includes the timeline, scope, and process  that includes diversity, equity, and inclusion principles and leads to meaningful community engagement activities which could include: 
  1. General information on public Arts and the Arts For All program 
  2. Participation in artist and site selection, theme/design concept discussions, and final design reviews 
  • Develop and deploy a comprehensive program plan which includes the timeline, scope, and process that includes diversity, equity, and inclusion principles and leads to the selection of artists for each site. 
  • Work closely with Arts Council leadership to identify prospective members and create a steering committee with diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experience 
  • Define steering committee roles, responsibilities, and governance structure; make reports to and attend steering committee meetings 
  • Develop and lead meetings at each site to introduce Arts For All and public art to the community 
  • Develop and deploy a marketing campaign to build public awareness of and participation in Arts for All, including press releases, briefs, and texts on public art and Arts for All 
  • Research and identify a list of potential artists and organizations to include in Arts For All outreach and marketing efforts 
  • Develop and deploy calls, guidelines, and qualifications that include diversity, equity, and inclusion principles in the selection process for artists, conduct follow-up outreach, and provide technical assistance to potential artists  
  • Develop and manage review and ranking process for artist submissions to select a pool of artists for each site to consider; select a short-list of artists to develop design concepts  
  • Draft and execute concept design contracts for short-listed artists 
  • Present artist design concepts to the public and site representatives and develop a process that leads to the final selection of artists and public artwork designs for each site (4)  
  • Work with selected artists and sites to finalize design concepts, set budgets, and establish timelines for the successful completion of each artwork 
  • Draft, negotiate, and execute contracts for the commission of each artwork 
  • Plan, attend, and facilitate interaction between the Artist, site representatives and the community 
  • Work collaboratively with site teams to develop a comprehensive plan to promote the Arts For All program, as well as, individual plans for each site 
  • Provide advice to site teams on public information and education materials related to each project, such as interpretive text for project brochures, signage, and other strategies for community outreach and education 
  • Plan, facilitate, and participate in interviews with media, County, and Arts Council as needed 
  • Ensure Phase I activities are thoroughly documented and recorded for County final reports 
  • At the close of Phase I submit a brief report on lessons learned and  recommendations for policies related to the maintenance of each artwork 
  • Draft recommendations for the establishment of a permanent public art program for County-owned sites 


Phase I Deliverables: Estimated Start Date September 2024 

At a minimum, the selected Consultant shall provide the following deliverables:   

  1. Community Engagement Plan 
  2. Communications and Marketing Plan for Phase I and Phase II
  3. Phase I Press Releases and Briefs 
  4. Artist RFQ 
  5. Steering Committee Roles and Responsibilities 
  6. Artistic Review Panel Roles and Responsibilities  
  7. Artist Submission Review and Selection Plan 
  8. Executed Design Contracts 
  9. Executed Community Engagement Activities 
  10. Executed Design, Fabrication, and Installation Contracts  
  11. Detailed Project Documentation and Final Reports 
  12. Lessons Learned and Recommendations Report 


Phase II Final Design, Fabrication, and Installation  

The Consultant's anticipated scope of work, at a minimum, is to: 

  • Work closely with Phase I consultant, if different, to draft and finalize the design, fabrication, and installation contracts 
  • Oversee and coordinate final design, fabrication, and installation of Artwork to ensure successful completion according to budget and established timeline 
  • Develop and administer processes to monitor the progress of each phase of each project from design to fabrication to delivery to installation 
  • Develop and monitor site-specific budgets for each installation (4)  and monitor expenses; get approval for and track payments 
  • Review all design documents and specifications with site teams for full and correct documentation of the artwork into the site’s construction documents and specifications 
  • Document the design and fabrication of each artist’s work; share with each site team  
  • Develop a plan to monitor design and fabrication of artwork, conduct in-person or virtual visits to fabrication shops and Artist studios as appropriate; report progress to sites and the steering committee 
  • Plan, coordinate, and attend meetings with steering committee, sites, community members, and Artists to  report on project development and management 
  • Work with County, Arts Council, artists, and sites on press releases as needed 
  • Ensure that all phases of each project are thoroughly documented, maintain organized paper and digital files; provide each site with documentation to ensure compliance with necessary permits and codes 
  • Review and monitor contracts for compliance to ensure that all contract requirements, deliverables, and deadlines are met 
  • Plan, attend, and facilitate interaction between the artist, site representatives and the community 
  • Coordinate the installation of artworks with artists and site teams
  • Conduct site visits to installation sites and work with site teams to monitor progress; report progress to the steering committee and other stakeholders 
  • Plan, facilitate, and participate in interviews with media; coordinate with sites  
  • Provide advice to site teams on public information and education materials related to each project, such as interpretive text for project brochures, signage, and other strategies for community outreach and education
  • Ensure Phase II artistic design, fabrication, and installation processes are documented in project documents for each site and recorded for County final reports 
  • At the close of Phase II submit a brief report on lessons learned and recommendations 


Phase II Deliverables: Estimated Start Date Winter/Spring 2025

At a minimum, the selected Consultant shall provide the following deliverables:   

  1. Design, Fabrication, and Installation Contract Compliance Plan
  2. Detailed Artwork Installation Budgets 
  3. Artwork Design, Fabrication and Installation Documentation  
  4. Artist, Site, and Community Meetings Documentation 
  5. Public Artworks Installed  
  6. Detailed Project Documentation and Final Reports 
  7. Lessons Learned and Recommendations Report 


HCAC reserves the right to revise the schedule below as needed:   

Early July 2024 - Public Arts Consultant RFP Issued  

July 31, 2024, 11am (ET) - Virtual Informational Meeting(s)

August 1, 2024, 1pm (ET) - Virtual Informational Meeting(s)

August 13, 2024, 1pm (ET) - Intent to Apply, Deadline for Questions 

August 15, 2024 - Responses to Questions    

August 21, 2024 4pm (ET) - Proposals Due     

Late August/Early September 2024 - Committee Proposal Review   

Early September 2024 - Committee Interviews (if needed)

September 2024 - Consultant Contract Issued

Phase I:  

October -December 2024 - Artist RFQ, Community Engagement

January – May 2025 - Artist Design Contracts Issued, Community Engagement, Artist Designs Reviewed     

June 2025 - Artist Design, Fabrication, Installation Contracts Issued

Phase II:  

June 2025 – November 2026 - Design, Fabrication, Documentation Site Prep, Installation (of at least one (1) or more public artworks)

Winter/Spring 2027 - Installations Complete

Submission Details

Complete proposals, which include submission details listed below, must be submitted digitally by August 21, 2024 by 4pm (ET).   Incomplete proposals and proposals received after the stated submission date and/or time will not be considered. 

  1. Contact information: Include consultant name and contact person along with title, organization, address, telephone number (s) and email, and website. 
  2. Letter of Interest: Submit a letter of interest (2-3 pages) that summarizes and outlines relevant experience completed within the past 5 years and shows consultant’s philosophy and approach to public arts project management and their ability to successfully complete the scope of work for Phase I or Phase II or both phases listed in this RFP, including their experience incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion principles in the artist selection process and community engagement activities.  
  3. Work Plan:  Submit a work plan (1-3 pages) that demonstrates a clear understanding of the work to be performed, estimated hours, and other information relevant to the phases of the project consultant is applying for. If applying for both phases submit 2 separate work plans label accordingly. 
  4. Budget:  Include a detailed budget of itemized cost projections. If applying for both phases submit 2 separate budgets and label accordingly 
  5. Resume and/or Biographical Statement:  Submit a resume or curriculum vitae (1-3 pages), If applying as a consultant team or firm, provide a list of key team members, and their qualification, roles and affiliations in one PDF.  Indicate the lead team member for this project. 
  6. References:  Submit 3 references to include client name and contact person along with title, organization, address and telephone number (s) , email and website and include specific project information associated with the listed reference.  References will only be contacted if the candidate meets qualifications to continue on to the next round. 
  7. Portfolio Images:  Submit  5- 10 images of large-scale public Arts projects managed by the applicant and completed in the past 5 years that are similar in scope to this RFP. 
  8. Annotated Image List:  Submit a list of images that includes the artist, title, media, year completed, dimensions, location, project budget and timeframe, and client or commissioning entity for each corresponding portfolio image. Include a brief statement articulating consultant’s role in the project. The annotated image list may include thumbnails of submitted images but does not replace the need to upload individual image files in fulfillment of g. above. 
  9. One (1) example of a previous final deliverable package that demonstrates an ability to keep detailed project records and financial accountability for public Arts projects.  


Proposals will be evaluated by a selection committee made up of individuals with arts and planning experience. The committee will review proposals and determine the consultants that may be shortlisted and may conduct interviews to make a final selection.  The committee reserves the right to forgo shortlist and interview and select a consultant based on the qualifications and demonstrated experience or reject all proposals entirely if determined it is in the best interests of the Arts Council. If interviews are conducted, they will be done virtually.

The committee will submit recommendations to the Arts Council Board of Directors for final approval.

Review Criteria

Information submitted should focus on consultant experience, philosophy, approach and work samples addressing the evaluation criteria as minimum requirements. Proposals will be reviewed for compliance with the information and criteria articulated within this RFP. Proposals deemed incomplete or non-responsive will be eliminated from further consideration. Remaining proposals will then be ranked according to their relative merits as measured against the evaluation criteria below:

  • Demonstrated understanding of project articulated through approach and work plan
  • Quality of match between qualifications, capabilities, experience, project scope, and approach
  • Quality of Artist selection philosophy, approach and plan
  • Quality of community engagement philosophy, approach and plan
  • Quality of work samples
  • Expertise of consultant/team
  • Cost and explanation of fees

In submitting a response to this RFP, applicant agrees that (the fine print): 

  • Their submission is a firm offer to sell the proposed services to the Arts Council (HCAC). Once submitted, all offers must remain valid for 90 days. No offer may be withdrawn after the due date for a period of 90 days. 
  • HCAC is not liable for costs incurred by consultants prior to execution of a contract. All costs incurred because of this proposal, including travel and personnel costs, are the sole responsibility of the consultant. 
  • Those portions of the consultant’s proposal which are separable will be treated as separable. No exclusivity must exist in the proposal. The consultant will not make any portion of its proposal contingent on the acceptance of any other separable part, the whole of the proposal, or the acceptance of its chosen subcontractors.  
  • The proposal budget shall include all labor, materials, taxes, insurance, etc., to cover the finished work. 
  • News releases or the release of information to media pertaining to this RFP or the service or project to which it relates shall not be made without prior approval of HCAC. 

Submission of an application constitutes an understanding and agreement of the conditions set forth herein.

Howard County Arts Council Rights

The Arts Council reserves the right to:

  • Reject any proposals that do not address all terms and conditions of this bid request. 
  • Contact references.
  • Receive questions concerning this RFP and to provide the questions, and HCAC’s responses to them, by addendum to consultants who have indicated their intent to submit a proposal by August 15, 2024.
  • Revise any part of this RFP prior to the deadline, addenda will be provided to any prospective consultant who has indicated intent to submit a proposal by August 15, 2024.
  • Should an award be made, it will be made to the consultant whose proposal is determined, solely by HCAC, to be the most advantageous to HCAC. 
  • Reserve a percentage of the contracted payment until HCAC is in receipt of and accepts the final work product(s). 
  • HCAC also reserves the right to do any one or more of the following when it is in the best interest of HCAC:
  1. Select and award a contract based upon the whole proposal, by line item, or by part.
  2. Reject any or all portions of any proposal and/or reject all proposals.
  3. Re-issue the RFP at any time.
  4. Waive any or all information, defects, irregularities, or informalities in any proposal.
  5. Request and accept amendments to any  proposal after the submission deadline.
  6. Negotiate with one or more consultants.
  7. Award contracts to one or more consultants.
  8. Require a best and final offer from one or more consultants.
  9. Provide its own services, or contract directly – without an RFP or bids – for those services.
  10. Amend, revise or change the evaluation or selection criteria before the submission deadline.

HCAC acknowledges that information obtained from consultants may be proprietary and will make reasonable efforts to treat submitted information on a confidential basis, only HCAC’s selection committee, Board of Directors, and assigned staff shall have access to proposal information. 

This RFP does not obligate HCAC or the selected consultant until a contract is approved and signed by both parties. HCAC shall not be responsible for work done, even in good faith, prior to a contract being signed by both parties. 

The foregoing are in addition to and shall not serve to limit any of the specific rights and conditions set forth in the RFP.


Prior to submission, consultants may submit questions for the sole purpose of clarifying terms, conditions, or scope of work in this RFP.  Questions will be accepted by e-mail at  or phone at 410-313-2787.  Answers which make a material difference in the way consultants may propose their offer or that may change either the terms and conditions or their offer will be made in the form of an amendment issued on August 19, 2024 to all consultants who have notified the Arts Council of their intent to apply by August 15, 2024 at 1:00pm (ET).  After the initial receipt of proposals, discussions may be requested and conducted by the Arts Council with consultants who submit proposals determined to be reasonably susceptible of being selected for an award.  

We will be hosting a live Q&A sessions via Zoom on:

Proposal Deadline

Proposals are due no later than 4:00 pm (ET) on August 21, 2024 and must be submitted digitally at:

Art Maryland is a juried biennial survey show of Maryland artists living or working within 100 miles of the Howard County Center for the Arts (including Washington, DC and parts of Virginia, Delaware, and Pennsylvania). Artists working in any medium and style are invited to apply. The exhibit will be on display at Howard County Arts Council’s (HCAC) Gallery I during October-November 2024.


Artists working in all media, 18 years or older, residing in Maryland or within a 100-mile radius of Ellicott City, Maryland, are invited to submit up to three works completed in the last two years and not previously shown in the Howard County Arts Council (HCAC) galleries. All work must fit through a standard doorway measuring 54” x 80” and fit appropriately in HCAC galleries. Maximum height is 9’ 6”. 2-D work cannot weigh more than 50 lbs. For 3-D work weighing over 50lbs, artists must provide their own pedestals and installation assistance approved by HCAC at least two weeks in advance of installation. All artworks must be original. No reproductions (including giclée and commercially printed or computer-generated reproductions of paintings, drawings, etc.) will be accepted.

About the Juror, Dr. Kevin Tervala

Kevin Tervala (he/him) is the Eddie C. And C. Sylvia Brown Chief Curator at the Baltimore Museum of Art. A Baltimore native, he arrived at the BMA in 2015 as a Curatorial Fellow in the Department of the Arts of Africa, the Americas, Asia, and the Pacific Islands (AAAPI) and became AAAPI Department Head in 2017. In the last seven years, he has curated eight temporary exhibitions, spearheaded the expansion and reinstallation of AAAPI’s collection galleries, consulted on several contemporary art projects, and chaired the BMA’s Cultural Property Working Group.


Artists may submit images of up to three works (one image for each two-dimensional work and one or two images for each three-dimensional work). Mailed entries will not be accepted. Entries must be individual files in .jpg format. Time-based work must be submitted as .avi, .wav, .mov, or .m4a files. Files must be labeled with the artist’s last name, first initial, and the entry number corresponding to the entry form (e.g. SmithJ_1.jpg). Each file should be less than 1MB. Except for film or video-based work, we cannot accept video or digital presentations (including PowerPoint). The deadline to submit is August 1, 2024.

Application must include: 

  • Artist’s contact information (name, address, email, and phone number). 
  • Up to three artworks in any medium, completed in the last two years and not previously exhibited in the HCAC galleries. 
  • Complete details about each work including the title, media, unframed dimensions, price (or insurance value, if NFS), and year completed. 
  • A non-refundable entry fee of $30 (waived for current members of the Howard County Arts Council). Entry fee can be paid at

Entry Fee

A nonrefundable entry fee of $30 is due with this application. Fee is waived for current HCAC members. Individual artists may become an HCAC member at the $30 level and waive entry fee. Fee can be paid by check made payable to HCAC, or by credit card via, or by calling HCAC during business hours.


All work must be ready-to-hang and framed, wired or with proper hanging devices attached and instructions where necessary. Sawtooth hangers and adhesives are not allowed. HCAC reserves the right to refuse any piece that is improperly presented, considered unsafe, or delivered with improper installation or hanging devices. A limited number of pedestals are available for 3D work. Digital media artists are responsible for providing their own equipment.


August 1, 11:59pm: Entry deadline

August 26: Notifications mailed to artists. 

October 4-5: Deliver works to HCAC. 

October 11: Exhibit opens to the public. 

October 18, 6-8pm: Reception and award presentation. 

November 16, 4pm: Exhibit closes. 

November 17-18: Pick up work from HCAC.

Additional Information

Full details and information can be found in the prospectus:


Contact us at or (410) 313-2787.

Head StART in ART: Program Description 

The Howard County Arts Council (HCAC) partners with the Ellicott City and Old Cedar Lane Head Start Centers on artist- in-residence programs for children ages 3-5 enrolled in Head Start.  This partnership, Head StART in ART, provides these children with an in-depth, hands-on artistic experience and ensures access to the arts that they might not otherwise have. The program will include 6-8 artists of different disciplines, offering a wide variety of new experiences for the children. The opportunity for such experiences during these formative years can have a direct impact on a child's development, as well as future appreciation of and involvement in the arts. HCAC coordinates, administers, and funds the project. HCAC begins by selecting an artist who is experienced in conducting school residency programs, particularly for young children, and then works closely with the artist and the Head Start staff to create a thematic program that is both enriching and developmentally appropriate.  The children work with the artist and create something of which they, their parents, and teachers can be proud. 


Teaching artists in a variety of arts disciplines are sought for residencies in support of Pre-K curriculum in the Ellicott City and Old Cedar Lane Head Start Centers (ages 3-5).   

Selected artist(s)/residencies: 

  • Serve between 3-6 classes, 20-25 students per class, possibly over an extended period of time
  •  May be scheduled with the Center anytime between October-May during the school year
  •  Culminate with a performance (for performing arts) or exhibit (for visual arts) that parents may attend


Selected artists must have previous experience working with children, Pre-K preferred. 

If selected artists have not been fingerprinted and have background checks on file, they should be prepared to do so.

To Apply

Please submit:

1) Your proposed residency, including timeline, unit plan, materials list, perceived outcomes and goals as related to MSDE standards for Pre-K.

2) Resume

3) Three references

4) Samples of student work

5) Fee structure

Howard County Arts Council